we couldn't do this withouT you 

Here's our story...


Hi, I’m Vanessa. I went from being the “Cool Aunt” to having a tiny human of my own. It's funny how much stuff we accumulate to entertain kids, only to witness their boredom return within a short few minutes. It was my daughter's first birthday and I wanted to get her something that she would enjoy for the next few years and that would become a core memory in her childhood. From there, Little Lounge Co was born. The purpose? To offer children products that would bring them genuine joy and would remain cherished memories from the wee stages to the wild teen era. Remember those special chairs from our 90s kid days, where we'd watch our favourite Disney movies on repeat? 

Our aim is to cater to other Parents, Cool Aunts, Fun-cle's, Grandparents, Santa Claus, whoever you might be, to give the kids in your life the ultimate present. Plus, it will also honourably make you their favourite so you’re welcome. Our products stimulate creativity, nurture sensory skills, and create lifelong memories while remaining aesthetic for your perfect home decor. We are committed to providing affordable options, and we also believe in giving back to our favourite local charities along the way. Don't wait any longer – express your affection with our incredibly cool gifts! Thank me later and just do it help them - DREAM BIG, CREATE BIGGER.